Tool to select/find an HTML color code from a color pîcker, an hexadecimal code or preset alphabetic code name.
HTML Colors - dCode
Tag(s) : Internet, Physics-Chemistry
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In computing, colors are defined by an RGB triplet (red, green, blue). In the HTML language, this triplet is quoted with the character # (hash) followed by 6 hexadecimal characters (0-9a-f). The 6 characters correspond to 3 pairs of 2 characters, respectively encoding the values of red, green and blue (RGB or RGB in English) via a hexadecimal code (between 00 and ff = 255)
Example: #ff007f corresponds to ff (255) red, 00 green and 7f (127) blue. This mixture corresponds to the color Rose
A variant in the writing of HTML color codes is allowed: a code with 3 characters, one for red, one for green, one for blue (instead of 2 for each). This limits the number of available values (16 values per color instead of 256), but has the advantage of reducing the write size. To get a long code, double each character.
Example: '# f70' matches f (ff: 255) red, 7 (77 => 119) green and 0 blue. This mixture corresponds to an orange color
Hexadecimal writing is not very readable for an untrained person, so a list of common colors (in English) has been defined to be used.
Example: color=black to display black
It is possible to write 256^3=16777216 colors, these 16 million colors do not all have a name, only a few have benefited from an alphabetical code.
#F0F8FF | aliceblue | Alice Blue | |
#FAEBD7 | antiquewhite | Antique white | |
#00FFFF | aqua | Aqua (Green/Blue) | |
#7FFFD4 | aquamarine | Aqua marine | |
#F0FFFF | azured | Azured | |
#F5F5DC | beige | Beige | |
#FFE4C4 | bisque | Bisque | |
#000000 | black | Black | |
#FFEBCD | blanchedalmond | Blanched almond | |
#0000FF | blue | Blue | |
#8A2BE2 | blueviolet | Blue-violet | |
#A52A2A | brown | Brown | |
#DEB887 | burlywood | Burly wood | |
#5F9EA0 | cadetblue | Cadet blue | |
#7FFF00 | chartreuse | Chartreuse | |
#D2691E | chocolate | Chocolate | |
#FF7F50 | coral | Coral | |
#6495ED | cornflowerblue | Cornflower blue | |
#FFF8DC | cornsilk | Corn Silk | |
#DC143C | crimson | Crimson | |
#00FFFF | cyan | Cyan | |
#00008B | darkblue | Dark blue | |
#008B8B | darkcyan | Dark cyan | |
#B8860B | darkgoldenrod | Dark golden rod | |
#A9A9A9 | darkgray | Dark gray | |
#006400 | darkgreen | Dark green | |
#BDB76B | darkkhaki | Dark khaki | |
#8B008B | darkmagenta | Dark magenta | |
#556B2F | darkolivegreen | Dark olive green | |
#FF8C00 | darkorange | Dark orange | |
#9932CC | darkorchid | Dark orchid | |
#8B0000 | darkred | Dark red | |
#E9967A | darksalmon | Dark salmon | |
#8FBC8F | darkseagreen | Dark sea green | |
#483D8B | darkslateblue | Dark slate blue | |
#2F4F4F | darkslategray | Dark slate gray | |
#00CED1 | darkturquoise | Dark turquoise | |
#9400D3 | darkviolet | Dark violet | |
#FF1493 | deeppink | Deep pink | |
#00BFFF | deepskyblue | Deep sky blue | |
#696969 | dimgray | Dim gray | |
#1E90FF | dodgerblue | Dodger blue | |
#B22222 | firebrick | Fire brick | |
#FFFAF0 | floralwhite | Floral white | |
#228B22 | forestgreen | Forest green | |
#FF00FF | fuchsia | Fuchsia | |
#DCDCDC | gainsboro | Gainsboro | |
#F8F8FF | ghostwhite | Ghost white | |
#FFD700 | gold | Gold | |
#DAA500 | goldenrod | Golden rod | |
#808080 | gray | Gray | |
#008000 | green | Green | |
#ADFF2F | greenyellow | Green yellow | |
#F0FFF0 | honeydew | Honey dew | |
#FF69B4 | hotpink | Hot pink | |
#CD5C5C | indianred | Indian red | |
#4B0082 | indigo | Indigo | |
#FFFFF0 | ivory | Ivory | |
#F0E68C | khaki | Khaki | |
#E6E6FA | lavender | Lavender | |
#FFF0F5 | lavenderblush | Lavender blush | |
#FFFACD | lemonchiffon | Lemon chiffon | |
#ADD8E6 | lightbleu | Light blue | |
#F08080 | lightcoral | Light coral | |
#E0FFFF | lightcyan | Light cyan | |
#FAFAD2 | lightgoldenrodyellow | Light golden rod | |
#90EE90 | lightgreen | Light green | |
#D3D3D3 | lightgrey | Light grey | |
#FFB6C1 | lightpink | Light pink | |
#FFA07A | lightsalmon | Light salmon | |
#20B2AA | lightseagreen | Light sea green | |
#87CEFA | lightskyblue | Light sky blue | |
#778899 | lightslategray | Light slate gray | |
#B0C4DE | lightsteelblue | Light steel blue | |
#FFFFE0 | lightyellow | Light yellow | |
#00FF00 | lime | Lime | |
#32CD32 | limegreen | Lime green | |
#FAF0E6 | linen | Linen | |
#FF00FF | magenta | Magenta | |
#800000 | maroon | Maroon | |
#66CDAA | mediumaquamarine | Medium aqua marine | |
#0000CD | mediumblue | Medium blue | |
#BA55D3 | mediumorchid | Medium orchid | |
#9370DB | mediumpurple | Medium purple | |
#3CB371 | mediumseagreen | Medium sea green | |
#7B68EE | mediumslateblue | Medium slate blue | |
#00FA9A | mediumspringgreen | Medium spring green | |
#48D1CC | mediumturquoise | Medium turquoise | |
#C71585 | mediumvioletred | Medium violet red | |
#191970 | midnightblue | Midnight blue | |
#F5FFFA | mintcrem | Mint crem | |
#FFE4E1 | mistyrose | Misty rose | |
#FFDEAD | navajowhite | Navajo white | |
#000080 | navy | Navy | |
#FDF5E6 | oldlace | Old lace | |
#808000 | olive | Olive | |
#6B8E23 | olivegrab | Olive grab | |
#FFA500 | orange | Orange | |
#FF4500 | orangered | Orange red | |
#DA70D6 | orchid | Orchid | |
#EEE8AA | palegoldenrod | Pale golden rod | |
#98FB98 | palegreen | Pale green | |
#AFEEEE | paleturquoise | Pale Turquoise | |
#DB7093 | palevioletred | Pale vilet red | |
#FFEFD5 | papayawhip | Papaya whip | |
#FFDAB9 | peachpuff | Peach puff | |
#CD853F | peru | Peru | |
#FFC0CB | pink | Pink | |
#DDA0DD | plum | Plum | |
#B0E0E6 | powderblue | Powder blue | |
#800080 | purple | Purple | |
#FF0000 | red | Res | |
#BC8F8F | rosybrown | Rosy brown | |
#4169E1 | royalblue | Royal blue | |
#8B4513 | saddlebrown | Saddle brown | |
#FA8072 | salmon | Salmon | |
#F4A460 | saldybrown | Saldy brown | |
#2E8B57 | seagreen | Sea green | |
#FFF5EE | seashell | Sea shell | |
#A0522D | sienna | Sienna | |
#C0C0C0 | silver | Silver | |
#87CEEB | skyblue | Sky blue | |
#6A5ACD | slateblue | Slate blue | |
#708090 | slategray | Slate gray | |
#FFFAFA | snow | Snow | |
#00FF7F | springgreen | Spring green | |
#4682B4 | steelblue | Steel blue | |
#D2B48C | tan | Tan | |
#008080 | teal | Teal | |
#D8BFD8 | thistle | Thistle | |
#FF6347 | tomato | Tomato | |
#40E0D0 | turquoise | Turquoise | |
#EE82EE | violet | Violet | |
#F5DEB3 | wheat | Wheat | |
#FFFFFF | white | White | |
#F5F5F5 | whitesmoke | White smoke | |
#FFFF00 | yellow | Yellow | |
#9ACD32 | yellowgreen | Yellow green |
dCode retains ownership of the "HTML Colors" source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the "HTML Colors" algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, breaker, translator), or the "HTML Colors" functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for "HTML Colors" are not public, same for offline use on PC, mobile, tablet, iPhone or Android app!
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Cite as source (bibliography):
HTML Colors on [online website], retrieved on 2025-03-25,