Tool to translate the Hylian language used in The Wind Waker game (The Legend of Zelda) and more generally in the world of Hyrule.
Hylian Language (The Wind Waker) - dCode
Tag(s) : Symbol Substitution
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The Hylian language is the language used in the realm of Hyrule, an imaginary location from the The Legend of Zelda series. Several versions of this language have been presented throughout the episodes of the Zelda games.
The version associated with the game The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is an early version of the Hylian, using an alphabet based on characters from Japanese writing (similar to syllables).
The Hylian characters shown here are found in other games in the series, and the language is sometimes referred to as Modern Hylian.
The Hylian language is a substitution of Japanese kanas by a hylian symbol. The translation table is:
Katakana (Japanese Symbol) | Phoneme (≈Syllable) | Hylian Symbol |
ア | A | |
イ | I | |
ウ | U | |
エ | E | |
オ | O | |
カ | KA | |
キ | KI | |
ク | KU | |
ケ | KE | |
コ | KO | |
サ | SA | |
シ | SHI | |
ス | SU | |
セ | SE | |
ソ | SO | |
タ | TA | |
チ | CHI | |
ツ | TSU | |
テ | TE | |
ト | TO | |
ナ | NA | |
ニ | NI | |
ヌ | NU | |
ネ | NE | |
ノ | NO | |
ハ | HA | |
ヒ | HI | |
フ | FU | |
ヘ | HE | |
ホ | HO | |
マ | MA | |
ミ | MI | |
ム | MU | |
メ | ME | |
モ | MO | |
ヤ | YA | |
ユ | YU | |
ヨ | YO | |
ラ | RA | |
リ | RI | |
ル | RU | |
レ | RE | |
ロ | RO | |
ワ | WA | |
ヲ | WO | |
ン | N | |
ガ | GA | |
ギ | GI | |
グ | GU | |
ゲ | GE | |
ゴ | GO | |
ザ | ZA | |
ジ | JI | |
ズ | ZU | |
ゼ | ZE | |
ゾ | ZO | |
ダ | DA | |
ヂ | JI | |
ヅ | ZU | |
デ | DE | |
ド | DO | |
バ | BA | |
ビ | BI | |
ブ | BU | |
ベ | BE | |
ボ | BO | |
パ | PA | |
ピ | PI | |
プ | PU | |
ペ | PE | |
ポ | PO |
Before translating a message, it is therefore necessary to use the available phonemes/syllables.
Symbols are made up of vertical or horizontal bars and sometimes dots.
All references to Link, Hyrule and generally the whole universe of the game Zelda and Nintendo are clues.
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Cite as source (bibliography):
Hylian Language (The Wind Waker) on [online website], retrieved on 2025-01-20,