Tool for writing words with a TI-30 calculator, writing as in the ITFT (It's Time for The) series with the TI30 calculator character.
TI-30 Calculator Writing - dCode
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TI-30 is a series of scientific calculators produced by Texas Instruments. Known for its simplicity and ruggedness, the TI30 has long been used in schools for its basic but effective mathematical functions.
In the TV series It's Time for The (ITFT), Ti-30 is a fictional character based on the scientific calculator of the same name. He uses the entire displayable digits to write words.
Use the numbers and symbols available on a calculator to represent letters of the alphabet.
Example: Use the number 0 to represent an O, the number 1 for an I etc.
This is only an imperfect substitution, since it is impossible to associate the 10 numbers with the 26 letters of the alphabet without duplicates. The correspondence used is:
A | 4 | J | 1 | S | 5 |
B | 8 | K | 4 | T | 7 |
C | 2 | L | 7 | U | 7 |
D | 0 | M | 3 | V | 7 |
E | 3 | N | 2 | W | 3 |
F | 7 | O | 0 | X | 7 |
G | 6 | P | 9 | Y | 7 |
H | 4 | Q | 9 | Z | 2 |
I | 1 | R | 7 |
Example: ITFT is written 1777
Observe the numbers or symbols displayed, then match them to their corresponding letters according to the correspondence table.
1 | I, J |
2 | C, N, Z |
3 | E, M, W |
4 | A, H, K |
5 | S |
6 | G |
7 | F, L, R, T, U, V, X, Y |
8 | B |
9 | P, Q |
0 | D, O |
Due to the limited characters available, some words may be difficult to translate.
Ti-30 is a character inspired by a calculator with a retro design that evokes the classic models of the 1980s-1990s, it has hands and feet.
TI30 writing uses numbers from 0 to 9 to represent letters, usually to write a single word.
BEGHILOSZ's calculator writing is very similar.
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Cite as source (bibliography):
TI-30 Calculator Writing on [online website], retrieved on 2025-01-18,