Tool to encode/decode with the Berber Tifinagh (or Amazigh) alphabet, resulting from the transliteration of the Berber languages of North Africa.
Tifinagh Alphabet (ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ) - dCode
Tag(s) : Symbol Substitution
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The Tifinagh (or Amazigh) alphabet is a writing system used primarily by the Tuareg and other Berber peoples in the Sahara and Sahel regions.
The Neo-Tifinagh is a modernized version of the Tifinagh alphabet, also known as the Berber alphabet.
To encode a message using the Tifinagh alphabet, it is possible to use the standard Berber transliteration which assigns each letter/symbol of the Berber alphabet an equivalent in the Latin alphabet. The transliteration is not ideal, several symbols can have the same corresponding letter but the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet are available.
dCode has selected in priority the symbols of the basic Tifinagh alphabet (according to IRCAM - Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture) and the coding table is:
A ⴰ | B ⴱ | C ⵛ | D ⴷ | E ⴻ | F ⴼ | G ⴳ |
H ⵀ | I ⵉ | J ⵊ | K ⴽ | L ⵍ | M ⵎ | N ⵏ |
O ⵄ | P ⵒ | Q ⵇ | R ⵔ | S ⵙ | T ⵜ | U ⵓ |
V ⵠ | W ⵡ | X ⵅ | Y ⵢ | Z ⵣ |
Example: SAHEL can be written ⵙⴰⵀⴻⵍ
Decoding the Tifinagh alphabet requires using the transliteration of Berber symbols to their equivalent in the Latin alphabet. It is not a translation, but a transliteration (1 symbol = 1 or 2 letters). The conversion table is:
ⴰ A | ⴱ ⴲ B | ⵛ C | ⵞ Č | ⴷ ⴸ D |
ⴹ ⴺ Ḍ | ⴻ E | ⵦ E | ⴼ F | ⴳ ⴴ G |
ⴵ ⴶ Ǧ | ⵖ ⵗ ⵘ Gh | ⵀ ⵁ ⵂ H | ⵃ Ḥ | ⵉ I |
ⵊ ⵋ ⵌ J | ⴽ ⴾ ⴿ K | ⵍ L | ⵎ M | ⵏ N |
ⵐ Ny | ⵑ Ng | ⵄ O | ⵧ O | ⵒ P |
ⵇ ⵈ Q | ⵔ ⵕ Ṛ | ⵙ S | ⵚ Ṣ | ⵜ ⵝ T |
ⵟ Ṭ | ⵓ U | ⵠ V | ⵡ W | ⵅ ⵆ X |
ⵢ Y | ⵣ ⵤ Z | ⵥ Ẓ |
Example: The symbols ⵜⴼⵏⵗ is transcribed TFNGh (and reads Tifinagh)
Example: In Neo Tifinagh ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ is transcribed TIFINAGH
Messages written in Tifinagh are characterized by straight, angular strokes with vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines as well as circles and dots.
Berber characters are often engraved on surfaces such as stone and wood.
Tifinagh is included in Unicode from U+2D30 to U+2D7F
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Cite as source (bibliography):
Tifinagh Alphabet (ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ) on [online website], retrieved on 2025-03-25,